Thinking of buying a horse?
The pre-purchase examination provides the prospective buyer with pertinent information regarding the health and soundness of the horse in question. Brandon Equine Medical Center routinely performs pre-purchase examinations on horses for the prospective buyer, which usually includes a detailed physical exam of the horse and assessing all the body systems, including heart and lungs, the eyes, and the musculoskeletal system. After the physical exam has been done, the horse is evaluated for soundness. This portion of the pre-purchase exam involves watching the horse in hand with flexion tests, on the lunge line, and, in some cases, under saddle. The prospective buyer is provided with a complete, typed report of the clinical findings and assessment as well as a CD of all images taken.
Additional evaluation can be done with standard radiographic views at the owner’s request or as directed by the veterinarian examining the horse. In some cases, ultrasound and upper airway endoscopy can also be performed to complete the evaluation. Routine blood work (CBC and chemistry) and drug screening can also be done at the prospective purchaser’s request. Brandon Equine also offers a more detailed examination of the horse’s eyes by our boarded ophthalmologist with certification at a minimal additional cost.
While we can not “pass” or “fail” a horse, Brandon Equine offers a most thorough and detailed assessment of the horse from which the prospective buyer can make an informed decision.
Expert equine care in Brandon, FL.
From our board-certified horse surgeons and board-certified internists to our professional and courteous staff, at Brandon Equine Medical Center, we are committed to the health and well-being of all breeds and sizes of horses. In the field, as an outpatient, or when admitted to the horse hospital, we treat every horse like our own and every client as the most important.
Contact Info
Phone: 813-643-7177
Fax: 813-643-5877
Saturday & Sunday: Closed
Emergency care available: 24/7/365
605 E Bloomingdale Ave
Brandon, FL 33511
Click here for directions.
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If this is an emergency, please call us directly at 813-643-7177.

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